【摘要】 目的 〖JP2〗探討護理干預對前臂游離皮瓣移植修復口腔癌圍手術期軟組織缺損患者的經驗?!》椒ā?005年6月—2009年6月,對收治的63例口腔癌術后軟組織缺損應用前臂橈側游離皮瓣修復患者的圍手術期護理方法進行回顧性分析,并做好術前心理護理及相關準備,術后嚴密觀察皮瓣移植情況,以便及時發(fā)現血管危象,同時做好口腔、呼吸道、體位及皮瓣供受區(qū)護理。 結果 通過精心護理,密切觀察移植皮瓣,及早發(fā)現、及時處理血管危象,從而確保63例患者皮瓣移植一次性成活率達95.24%,療效滿意。 結論 科學合理的圍手術期護理是前臂游離皮瓣移植修復口腔癌術后軟組織缺損成功的重要保證?!続bstract】 Objective To investigate the perioperative nursing experiences of the transplanted forearm free flaps for reconstruction of soft tissue defects after oral cancer operation. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of perioperative nursing care for 63 patients with soft tissue defects after oral cancer reconstructed with radial forearm free flaps. Psychological care and related preparation work was well carried out before operation. After operation, we closely monitored the outcome of transplantation of skin flaps to detect vascular crisis as early as possible, and at the same time, intensive care for oral cavity, respiratory tract, flap position and the affected areas was done. Results By intensive care, closely monitoring the transplanted flaps, and early discovery and management of the vascular crisis, we achieved a satisfying one-time transplantation survival rate of 95.24% for the 63 patients. Conclusion Scientific and proper perioperative care is an important factor in the successful reconstruction of soft tissue defects with free forearm flaps after oral cancer operation.